## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_TITLE ; PowerWB preferences MSG_DESCRIPTION ; Preferences program for PowerWB MSG_SHAREWARE ; PowerWB is Shareware! ERR_NOLIB ; Can't open %s.library V%ld! ERR_NOLISTCLASS ; Can't create custom list class! ERR_NOAREACLASS ; Can't create custom area class! ERR_WBMENU ; Can't find Workbench menu (to\nfind out each item's text)! ERR_INVALID_CONFIGFILE ; This is not a PowerWB configuration file! ERR_TESTUSE ; \"Test\" and \"Use\" work only if you use\na configuration file which is located in\n\"ENV:\". You have to set the CONFIGFILE\nargument (PowerWB) and CONFIGFILE tool-\ntype (PowerWBPrefs) accordingly! MENU_PROJECT ; Project ITEM_PR_ABOUT ; I\0About ... ITEM_PR_ABOUTMUI ; M\0About MUI ... ITEM_PR_ICONIFY ; H\0Iconify ITEM_PR_QUIT ; Q\0Quit MENU_SETTINGS ; Settings ITEM_SE_LOADDEF ; D\0Load default ITEM_SE_LOAD ; L\0Load ... ITEM_SE_SAVEDEF ; S\0Save as default ITEM_SE_SAVE ; A\0Save as ... ITEM_SE_MUI ; U\0MUI Settings ... GAD_SAVE ; _Save GAD_USE ; _Use GAD_TEST ; _Test GAD_CANCEL ; _Cancel GAD_NEW ; _New GAD_DEL ; _Delete GAD_REGISTER ; Register PAGE_INFO ; Information PAGE_SHORTCUTS ; Shortcuts PAGE_GADGETS ; Gadgets PAGE_HOTKEYS ; Hotkeys PAGE_MISC ; Misc PAGE_SPECIAL ; Special MSG_ACTION_TYPE ; Action Type MSG_ACTION_SELECT_SPECIAL ; Select one of this special actions MSG_ACTION_SELECT_MENU ; Select a menu function MSG_ACTION_MENU ; Menu function MSG_ACTION_SPECIAL ; Special MSG_ACTION_MENUID ; Menu ID MSG_ACTION_ITEMID ; Item ID MSG_ACTION_SUBID ; Sub ID MSG_ACTION_PICKMENU ; Pick from Workbench menu ... MSG_SPECIAL_SWITCHLOOK ; View by Icon <-> View by Name MSG_SPECIAL_SWITCHWHAT ; Show only Icons <-> Show all Files MSG_SPECIAL_CLOSEWINDOW ; Close active window MSG_SPECIAL_SMARTDEL ; Delete/Format/Empty trash LISTVIEW_MENU ; MENU LISTVIEW_SPECIAL ; SPECIAL LISTVIEW_SWITCHLOOK ; SWITCHLOOK LISTVIEW_SWITCHWHAT ; SWITCHWHAT LISTVIEW_CLOSEWINDOW ; CLOSEWINDOW LISTVIEW_SMARTDEL ; SMARTDEL PAGE_SHORTCUTS_TITLE ; Shortcuts for the Workbench PAGE_SHORTCUTS_KEY ; Key PAGE_GADGETS_TITLE ; Gadgets for the titlebar of WB windows PAGE_GADGETS_LOOK ; Gadget Look PAGE_GADGETS_LOOK_INTERN ; Internal image PAGE_GADGETS_LOOK_TEXT ; Text PAGE_GADGETS_LOOK_BOLD ; \33bB PAGE_GADGETS_LOOK_ITALIC ; \33iI PAGE_GADGETS_LOOK_UNDERLINED ; \33uU PAGE_GADGETS_LOOK_STDWIDTH ; Standard width PAGE_GADGETS_FOREGROUND PAGE_GADGETS_BACKGROUND PAGE_HOTKEYS_CLOSEALLWINS ; Close all WB windows PAGE_HOTKEYS_BACKDROPMODE ; Switch backdrop mode PAGE_MISC_NOGADGETS ; No gadgets PAGE_MISC_NOSHORTCUTS ; No shortcuts PAGE_MISC_NOKEYSCROLL ; No key scrolling PAGE_MISC_SYSILOOK ; SysiLook PAGE_MISC_FRONTCHECK ; Check if Workbench is in front PAGE_SPECIAL_TITLESPACE ; Title space PAGE_SPECIAL_OPENCLOSE ; Open-plus-Close Qualifier MSG_COLORREQ_TITLE ; PowerWBPrefs: Color requester MSG_COLORREQ_DRI ; DrawInfo pen MSG_COLORREQ_PENID ; Pen number MSG_REQ_OK MSG_REQ_CANCEL ; Cancel MSG_ASL_LOADTITLE ; Load settings MSG_ASL_SAVETITLE ; Save settings MSG_ABOUT ; \33c\33bPowerWB Preferences %s\n\33l\nThis program uses MUI which is copyrighted by Stefan Stuntz!\n\n\33cFree memory:\n\n\33bCHIP:\33n %lD \33bFAST:\33n %lD \33bTOTAL:\33n %lD HELP_NEW ; Add one new entry to the list. HELP_DEL ; Remove selected entry from the list. HELP_MENUID ; Number of the menu you want to\ncall. Starts with 0. Examples:\n\n\33b\33c0=Workbench 1=Window 2=Icon HELP_ITEMID ; Number of the item you want to\ncall. Starts with 0. Examples:\n\n\33b\33c0=Icon/Open 1=Icon/Copy HELP_SUBID ; Number of the sub item you want to\ncall. Starts with 0. If there's no\nsub item write -1. Examples:\n\n\33b\33c0=Window/View by/Icon HELP_PICK ; Select a menu item direct\nfrom the Workbench menu. HELP_SHORTCUTS_KEY ; Shortcut. It must be specified\nlike a Hotkey. For example:\n\n\33c\33b-capslock shift i HELP_SHORTCUTS_ACTIONTYPE ; Kind of action the shortcut\nshall trigger. HELP_GADGETS_ACTIONTYPE ; Kind of action the gadget\nshall trigger. HELP_GADGETS_LOOK ; Look of the gadget. Either one\nof the built in images or an\nuser configurable string. HELP_GADGETS_TEXT ; Text that will appear inside\nthe gadget. Maximum length is\n8 chars. HELP_GADGETS_FG ; When the Workbench window is\nactive, the gadget text will\nbe printed in this color. HELP_GADGETS_BG ; When the Workbench window is\nactive, the gadget background\nwill be rendered in this color. HELP_GADGETS_BOLD ; Textstyle: \33bBOLD HELP_GADGETS_ITALIC ; Textstyle: \33iITALIC HELP_GADGETS_UNDERLINED ; Textstyle: \33uUNDERLINED HELP_GADGETS_STDWIDTH ; If selected, the gadget will get\nthe standard width (like Zoom gadget),\notherwise the width depends on the\nlength on the text. HELP_HOTKEYS_CLOSEALLWINS ; Hotkey to close all\nWorkbench windows. HELP_HOTKEYS_BACKDROPMODE ; Hotkey to switch the main Workbench\nwindow between backdrop mode and\nstandard mode. This can be useful\nif there are a lot of windows opened\nand you want to access a disk icon or\nan application icon. HELP_MISC_NOGADGETS ; Don't add any gadget to the Workbench\nwindows, even if the list in the \"Gadgets\"\npage contains some. HELP_MISC_NOSHORTCUTS ; Don't activate any of the shortcuts\nfrom the list in the \"Shortcuts\" page. HELP_MISC_NOKEYSCROLL ; Disable possibility to scroll the\ncontent of the Workbench windows\nwith the cursor keys. HELP_MISC_SYSILOOK ; Render the built in gadget\nimages in SYSILOOK style. HELP_MISC_CHECKFRONT ; Shortcuts and keyboard scrolling\nwill only work when the Workbench\nis the frontmost screen. HELP_SPECIAL_TITLESPACE ; Free space in pixels for the\nwindow title. The minimum window\nwidth will be altered, unless you\nspecify a value of 0, which forces\nPowerWB to leave the minimum window\nwidth untouched. HELP_SPECIAL_OPENCLOSE ; If you hold down the qualifiers specified\nhere then you can open a new drawer window\n(by double-clicking a drawer icon) and at\nthe same time close the active window (i.e.\nthe window that contains the drawer icon).\nTo disable this feature completely specify\nan empty string. Otherwise you have to specify\nthe qualifiers in Hotkey description style.\nFor example:\n\n\33c\33blshift lalt